When I Fall


I can prop you up in our story
Without my sweet, white lies.
I can embrace you in every hug
Like air, like night, when I fall.

Like blinds and desks,
Without rooms to be put in,
Like sickness approaching death,
When I fall.

Do I need to have you for real?
Strengthen eye sockets with brace of lights?
Armpit mingling with nape like a pillar,
Strong days at work looking for mist?

I can kiss you with my wish,
I can torture you with my words,
I can love you with my baggage
And then like rain, I fall.

In the clouds of our story,
My downfall to be undernourished
I become a white cloud, drizzling and damp.
Paddling and pleading I hush to the ride.

Looking forward to the morning of hope and wonder,
Taking up the remnants of what my ancestors had,
I become the story and the history
Of the many.




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